The Importance of Maternity Photos

September 16, 2016  •  1 Comment

Even though pregnancy can come with it's challenges, it is one of the most amazing and special times in a woman's life.  It is a time of celebration and anticipation as you prepare to meet your little bundle of joy.  It's a time where you become strong - stronger than you might have ever thought you could possibly be.  It is during this time that your are beginning to create your bond with your child - the bond that will continue throughout your entire lives.

There are very few women who actually feel like they are beautiful while they are pregnant - especially during the first pregnancy.  Going through changes in the way your body looks can be very challenging for a woman to come to terms with - especially in this age of body perfection.  Pregnancy, however, is such a beautiful thing.  Swollen feet, stretch marks and hormone changes aside, you are growing a real live human being inside of you.

Most of my clients are apprehensive about taking pictures of themselves pregnant.  The mere thought of the image of themselves in a condition not as they are used to seeing themselves - especially in pictures - in itself creates stress.  This is where working with a professional can make all of the difference.  From hair and make-up to the wide array of beautiful maternity gowns we keep in stock in the studio to the most important factor of all - having a photographer trained in understanding how to pose someone to highlight their best assets and diminish their not so best ones, women are often shocked to see just how beautiful they look in pregnancy.

You are beautiful!!!  You should take the time to celebrate these amazing changes in your body and this even more amazing moment in your life!  The photos will become a wonderful gift to pass down to your child as an heirloom of your first memories with them.  Truly a lifetime treasure!  This moment will only come once for you.  If it's your first pregnancy and you plan to have more - there will still never be a time when you are pregnant with your first.  Don't be afraid to capture that and celebrate it because I promise you if you don't it will be something you will forever wish you had!

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